Red Bull UK

Red Bull UK


Dear Red Jorge and Bull Photography team, I appreciate your consideration and support, within this page, I would like to communicate a few rough concept/ideas with room to be complemented and expanded if needed. The intention is to deliver a fast but special result that the athletes and Red Bull can take back home and use in their different channels.


Getting the support of the rest of the athletes around, we can get 10 hands pointing their camera phones at the main subject.

One spot light will enhance the main subject while the “fans” are more in the dark and not recognizable.

The red background brightness and the crop can be adjusted.

Outfit for the main subject would be ideal in white or grey, and a dark blue for when holding the phone as a fan.


Simple but powerful,Closeup and personal frame, using two light sources, (one ideally the sun or a strobe if the time and location are not the best. Can be shot inside Red Bull HQ and use the windows for a similar look to the example.

Outfit for the athletes would be ideal in dark color.


I have use it, but I always find it interesting, it is also a setup that be complemented by poses, attitude, color gels and composition.

Outfit for the athletes would be ideal in Blue or dark colors.


Some smoke and color gels are always a nice eye-catching factor for portraits.

If time is too short, the smoke effect could be added in post so we focus only in the light setup and the portraits.

Outfit for the athletes would be ideal in Grey or White.


Using backdrops in Blue, Red and White to have portraits in the UK colors and also be able to compose images like this either different frames per athlete and or all 15 athletes in one image.

the poses worn be as artistic, but mostly different compositions at different focal lengths and distances from the subject.

Outfit for the athletes would be ideal in Grey or Blue.

Red Corner

Similar to the image sample, We can make a red corner with red foam boards so we can use the outside or the inside of the corner.

Outfit for the athletes would be ideal in Blue or White.

Hero View

With a similar composition to the sample image, but having a red corner as background and simply the available ground as ground and in combination with an ideal blue sky.

Outfit for the athletes would be ideal in Blue, grey or White.


For a better outcome, all athletes can bring the same outfit for a more consistent outcome and hopefully we can arrange with the hotel to have them wrinkle free if that’s an option.

Thank you Jorge and the Red Bull Photography team, I hope this is useful, and look forward to working together! let me know anytime if you would like to chat about these or other ideas.

Entirely at your service,

